The real pandemic we are experiencing is one of fear. There is very little truly known about the coronavirus at this point and it seems like the media daily injects horror stories about the latest number of deaths and new things about it to fear. Please allow us to cover the fear issue for a moment as it very directly adversely affects your health.
Fear is a natural response to potentially threatening circumstances. Anatomically it falls under the autonomic nervous system, this includes the parasympathetic system which controls rest and digestion, as well as the sympathetic system which creates the fight or flight reaction. Fear can cause an upset stomach or intestinal discomfort, or interrupt sleep patterns. The fight or flight part of the reaction causes certain anatomical changes; breathing rate increases, increasing heart rate, muscles are pumped, and vital organs get flooded with oxygen and nutrients to assist the body in a battle or running.
Metabolically glucose levels spike, other nutrients and minerals are mobilized, the pituitary gland secrets a hormone called ACTH which triggers a release of cortisol, increasing blood pressure and blood sugar. Without the actual physical activity of a fight or running, all these extra levels of hormones and minerals can, and does, have a deleterious effect on your health such as anxiousness, anxiety, lack of sleep, wight gain or loss, and a host of other things you’d rather do without.
The long-term effect of anxiety associated with this unknown can bring on depression and a range of other health crisis, and it changes the neurotransmitter balance in the brain. We have conducted significant research in these metabolomic mechanisms and using sophisticated testing we can prescribe co-factors (often a supplement or mineral) that will restore the brain’s normal function and relieve those unpleasant feelings.
Timothy Leery, one of the 1960’s Avant Garde once said, “If you can’t change the circumstances; change your head.” We cannot individually change the virus pandemic, but we can very much change our response to it. During this time when our activities are restricted and we are out of our normal routine, we are given an excellent opportunity to get in shape and make all those changes you promised to yourself but were too busy socially to make.
Photo by Matthias Oben from Pexels
I like to think of it as if we are caterpillars going into a cocoon. What we do inside of this space is up to us. It’s far better to emerge from this quarantine and social distancing as a much better you; like the larva transforming into the butterfly.
We are here to help you with that transformation.